
AURIS Finance

Extra financier

Upstream structuring and non-financial considerations: two essential elements of any M&A project

Just because the numbers add up doesn’t mean a merger will be a happy one. When it comes to mergers and acquisitions, it’s not uncommon for seemingly ideal targets to turn out to be very difficult to integrate. The experts at AURIS Finance, a consultancy specialising in mergers and acquisitions, give you their advice. Against […]

Opérations transfrontalières

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: balancing opportunities and geopolitical challenges

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions are one way for companies to expand internationally. However, in a complex and unstable geopolitical context, these operations present both significant opportunities and challenges. Cross-border transactions allow companies to access new markets, diversify their portfolios and acquire innovative technologies. However, they are also subject to geopolitical factors such as trade tensions, […]

Mergers and acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions back on the rise

After a sharp downturn in 2023, the outlook for 2024 is promising, as evidenced by the avalanche of major transactions that closed in the first quarter. Here are some insights from the experts at AURIS Finance, a consultancy specialising in mergers and acquisitions. Could this be the start of a recovery? After a lacklustre 2023, […]

small Caps

Small Caps: are M&A transactions approaching stabilisation?

The M&A market for SMEs has also experienced a significant decline in recent months. However, data for the second half of the year indicate that transaction volumes will pick up again in 2024. Here are some insights and analysis from the experts at AURIS Finance, a mergers and acquisitions consultancy. According to the results of […]

Bilan des fusions acquisitions dans l'agroalimentaire

Major transactions in the Agri-food sector in 2023

Climate change and inflation hit the sector again Following on from 2022, the warmest year in France since the beginning of the 20th century, 2023 was the second warmest year on record. With an average temperature of 14.4°C, the thermal anomaly for the year as a whole reached +1.4°C (compared to the 1991-2020 normal). As […]

Bilan nettoyage

Major transactions in the cleaning sector in 2023

Moderate impact from the economic downturn Despite the difficulties faced by operators in the cleaning sector and potential obstacles to acquisitions (rising interest rates, wage increases affecting the margins of cleaning companies), the sector proved to be very dynamic in 2023, recording a number of transactions on a par with those recorded in the previous […]

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