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Advance Emploi

A New Chapter for ADVANCE Emploi

Founded in 2018, the ADVANCE GROUP is a human resources player, present in the South-East quarter of France. The company stands out for its personalized and pragmatic approach, aiming to meet the specific needs of its clients. Today, ADVANCE GROUP has 12 ADVANCE EMPLOI locations, from Ajaccio to Montpellier on the Mediterranean Arc, in Corsica, […]


Challenges facing the agri-food sector

The agri-food sector is undergoing profound change. In addition to uncertain macroeconomic conditions, there are strong demands for environmental responsibility. What changes will allow sector players to maintain their margins? Here are some explanations and analyses from the experts at AURIS Finance, a consultancy specialising in mergers and acquisitions. Social and environmental responsibility Meeting the […]


Start-ups mergers and acquisitions: an opportunity for accelerated growth

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the start-up sector have become a strategic lever for accelerating growth and innovation. These transactions offer unique opportunities for young companies, but also raise specific challenges. The start-up ecosystem is characterised by high levels of innovation and volatility. Mergers and acquisitions enable start-ups to grow rapidly, enter new markets and […]

Extra financier

Upstream structuring and non-financial considerations: two essential elements of any M&A project

Just because the numbers add up doesn’t mean a merger will be a happy one. When it comes to mergers and acquisitions, it’s not uncommon for seemingly ideal targets to turn out to be very difficult to integrate. The experts at AURIS Finance, a consultancy specialising in mergers and acquisitions, give you their advice. Against […]

Entreprises lyonnaises

Lyon’s top fund-raising companies

Fundraising is not just for companies in the Paris region. In Lyon, a number of companies have made their mark since the beginning of 2024. The experts at AURIS Finance, an M&A consultancy with a regional network, take a look at four financing rounds for Lyon-based companies. One of Lyon’s nuggets is a biotech company. […]

Opérations transfrontalières

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: balancing opportunities and geopolitical challenges

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions are one way for companies to expand internationally. However, in a complex and unstable geopolitical context, these operations present both significant opportunities and challenges. Cross-border transactions allow companies to access new markets, diversify their portfolios and acquire innovative technologies. However, they are also subject to geopolitical factors such as trade tensions, […]

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