
Financial News

This category includes economic and financial news that impacts the mergers and acquisitions market. You will find articles on new technologies, regulatory changes, market dynamics, and the latest trends. Are you considering a business sale or acquisition acquisition project? AURIS Finance experts are here to support you throughout the entire process of your transaction.
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Food tech

FoodTech: Foss stands out with two cutting-edge analysis solutions

In the food safety market, some foodtech companies are coming into their own. This is the case with Foss, which has just launched two innovations: one for meat analysis, the other for dairy inspection. Both technologies are set to become very popular in the coming months. Here are some explanations from the experts at AURIS […]

small Caps

Small Caps: are M&A transactions approaching stabilisation?

The M&A market for SMEs has also experienced a significant decline in recent months. However, data for the second half of the year indicate that transaction volumes will pick up again in 2024. Here are some insights and analysis from the experts at AURIS Finance, a mergers and acquisitions consultancy. According to the results of […]

Galeries Lafayettes

Galeries Lafayette divests from Carrefour

Galfa, the company owned by the Moulin family, owners of Galeries Lafayette, is no longer the largest shareholder in the retail giant Carrefour. The company has just partially disposed of its stake by selling 25 million shares and transferring 3.5% of its capital to the Carrefour group. Here are some explanations from the experts at […]

Formation en ligne

In 2023, 28% of the working population have completed a training programme

The French are becoming less interested in professional training. This is the conclusion of a study carried out by BVA People Consulting for the VisiPlus Academy training organisation. Here is an analysis and explanation by the experts at AURIS Finance, a consultancy specialising in mergers and acquisitions. In 2023, only 28% of working people in […]


The university system is speeding up the digitisation of its courses

On the initiative of 19 universities, the Digital FCU project (Continuing Education at University) aims to create a catalogue of 10,000 training courses for instructors and teachers. Here are some explanations from the experts at AURIS Finance, a consultancy specialising in mergers and acquisitions. The Digital FCU project brings together a consortium of 19 universities […]

Réalité augmentée dans la formation

In industry, the future of professional training lies in augmented reality

The development of augmented reality learning tools has given new impetus to the teaching of ‘trade skills’. How is professional training incorporating these new technologies and what are the business implications? The experts at AURIS Finance, a consultancy specialising in mergers and acquisitions, take a closer look. “Learning to work, like learning to drive” is […]

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