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In 2023, 28% of the working population have completed a training programme

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The French are becoming less interested in professional training. This is the conclusion of a study carried out by BVA People Consulting for the VisiPlus Academy training organisation. Here is an analysis and explanation by the experts at AURIS Finance, a consultancy specialising in mergers and acquisitions.

In 2023, only 28% of working people in France were in training, ten points less than in 2022. These are the results of a survey carried out by VisiPlus Academy in July 2023 among 1,000 working people aged 18 and over.

Back to normal

These declining figures are not alarming for training organisations. In fact, professional training has seen a real upturn against the backdrop of the covid pandemic. During the various lockdowns, demand for online training rose sharply. In the post-pandemic context, many employees have sought to develop their professional lives through training. In 2024, this momentum seems to have subsided, with the number of employees undertaking training returning to pre-crisis levels. With a turnover of €15.5 billion in 2022, training is a rapidly expanding market: it now represents 1.05% of GDP, compared with 0.67% of GDP in 2018.

More anxious, more trained

However, employees’ enthusiasm for training varies according to age and socio-professional category. According to the VisiPlus Academy survey, 42% of 18-25 year olds and 41% of managers are very interested in professional training, as are 46% of job seekers. For RH Média, the common denominator among these three types of workers is a certain concern about the many changes taking place in the world of work, which require new skills to ensure their employability.  Overall, almost half of the workers surveyed want to develop and/or update their skills. Of these, 22% would like to retrain, 11% would like to develop their career, and 8% would like to study for a degree.

In France, training is widely seen by employees as a lever for career development. Another survey of 1,000 working people by the training organisation Lefebvre Dalloz shows that almost all respondents (93%) say they are interested in training and see themselves as actively involved in developing their skills.

Overcoming obstacles

Despite a high level of interest, people looking for training generally feel uninformed. According to the VisiPlus Academy, 56% of respondents said they were poorly informed about training schemes. Of these, 17% said they were “very poorly informed”. This lack of clarity could be exacerbated by the imminent introduction of the Professional Training Account participation fee. Use of the CPF will be accompanied by an employee contribution of up to 10% of the cost of training.  This measure, due to come into force next month, could have a significant impact on undecided employees who may prefer not to undertake training if they are unsure of their options.

Our experts at your side

Professional training experts will need to step up their efforts to capture the attention of undecided employees. Education, information and awareness will be particularly important. In the coming months, strategic alliances between companies in the professional training sector could emerge, enabling them to capture new market share. At AURIS Finance, our experts are specialised by sector. Whether you are looking for a buyer or a new target, we are here to support you.

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#Human resources & Temporary work