
Financial News

This category includes economic and financial news that impacts the mergers and acquisitions market. You will find articles on new technologies, regulatory changes, market dynamics, and the latest trends. Are you considering a business sale or acquisition acquisition project? AURIS Finance experts are here to support you throughout the entire process of your transaction.
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Bilan RH 2022

Major HR transactions in 2022

After a rather exceptional year for mergers and acquisitions in 2021, 2022 marked a downturn. Indeed, the volume of transactions fell by 40% worldwide and by 39% in France. However, compared to pre-sanitary crisis levels, the volume of transactions is down by 8% globally and by 9.3% in France. In this context, the human resources […]

Afnor - Multiservices

Derichebourg Multiservices X Elior Group: creating a world leader in contract catering and multiservice

The merger between Derichebourg Multiservices, a company specialising in the provision of services to companies, and the Elior Group is underway. Derichebourg Multiservices is expected to increase its stake in Elior Group in the coming months. Experts from AURIS Finance, a merger and acquisition consultancy, take a look behind the scenes of this new market […]

Fusion acquisition

Inorganic growth: the right time to start

It is a question that many business leaders ask themselves: when is the right time to initiate an inorganic growth operation? There are many answers to this question. While in reality there is no such thing as an “ideal time”, there are many factors to consider before embarking on an acquisition. Experts from AURIS Finance, […]

ChatGBT Intelligence artificielle

ChatGPT revolutionises the world of Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT, developed by the start-up OpenAI, is a real revolution in the field of artificial intelligence. This chatbot, which can write poems and songs, is the most successful to date. In the long term, this could have a significant impact on the way businesses operate. Experts from AURIS Finance, a consultancy specialising in mergers and […]

Cible OPA

Takeovers: Potential targets in 2023?

Globally, some large companies may change hands through tender offers. What major market movements can we expect this year? Experts from AURIS Finance, a mergers and acquisitions consultancy, share their analysis with you. The M&A market is currently at a low ebb. After a particularly exceptional year in 2021, 2022 has seen a significant decline […]

Levées de fonds

Fundraising: the balance of power is shifting

The power is no longer in the hands of the sellers. In an uncertain market, the power is now with the investors. In financing rounds, investment funds impose their terms. This is particularly true for the financing of start-ups, technology companies, and high-growth companies. Experts from AURIS Finance, a consultancy firm specialising in mergers and […]

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