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ChatGPT revolutionises the world of Artificial Intelligence

ChatGBT Intelligence artificielle

ChatGPT, developed by the start-up OpenAI, is a real revolution in the field of artificial intelligence. This chatbot, which can write poems and songs, is the most successful to date. In the long term, this could have a significant impact on the way businesses operate. Experts from AURIS Finance, a consultancy specialising in mergers and acquisitions, explain.

The launch was a huge success. In early December, OpenAI offered the whole world the opportunity to test its new chatbot via a dedicated platform. It was described as “amazing” by the vast majority of internet users who expressed their opinions on social media. It must be said that OpenAI’s artificial intelligence programme stands out in the AI world.

Major developments

ChatGPT – which stands for generative pre-trained transformer – was created using machine learning. The chatbot has been fed with lots of text data but has also been trained by humans. As a result, ChatGPT is able to remember the questions asked and previous conversations. It can also recognise its own mistakes and speak fluently in several languages, including French. The machine is also able to detect an error in a code, correct it and write a complete programme from simple instructions.

A billionaire at the helm

Behind Open AI is a very active figure in the field of technology. His name is Elon Musk. The CEO of SpaceX and managing director of the car company Tesla, he co-founded OpenAI in 2015 with the businessman Sam Altman, who is also very involved in the funding of start-ups. Dedicated entirely to AI development, Open AI has already delivered two reference AI systems: the first, called Dall-E, can generate artificial images on demand, while the second, GPT, is an automated writing model (an artificial neural network) that attempts to mimic human abilities. ChatGPT was developed from this second system.

A unique business model

Unlike other industry giants, OpenAI was initially set up as a non-profit organisation. Following the departure of Elon Musk in 2018, OpenAI became a capped-profit enterprise. New shareholders have since stepped in, including giant Microsoft, which invested $1bn in the platform in 2019. Other Silicon Valley investors have positioned themselves ahead of the project, such as billionaire Peter Thiel.

New business models

The launch of ChatGPT is raising a lot of questions in the global tech world. Some predict the end of search engines, journalists, and developers who could soon be replaced by these learning machines. Others see it as the foundation of a new digital economy, even faster and more terrifying, capable of replacing humans in many ways.

In any case, the development of artificial intelligence will not be without impact on the business models of companies. They are all likely to be affected, regardless of their size or sector.

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