
Financial News

This category includes economic and financial news that impacts the mergers and acquisitions market. You will find articles on new technologies, regulatory changes, market dynamics, and the latest trends. Are you considering a business sale or acquisition acquisition project? AURIS Finance experts are here to support you throughout the entire process of your transaction.
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recrutement et approvisionnement

Recruitment and supply: the twin challenges for French SMEs

Bpifrance has just published its 74th half-yearly survey of SMEs. While small and medium-sized companies are confident about the dynamism of their business, the vast majority are worried. This is due to the increasing difficulty of recruiting skilled talent and problems of supply. Experts at AURIS Finance, specialists in mergers and acquisitions, take a closer […]

Telecom Fusion Fibre optique

A promising year for the telecommunications industry

The telecommunications sector is unlikely to escape the strong momentum of mergers and acquisitions. What does 2022 hold in store for telecom companies? Experts at AURIS Finance, a merger and acquisition consultancy, give you their analysis. The telecommunications sector stands out in the M&A market. After some major moves in 2014-2015, acquirers lost interest in […]

industrie 4.0

What is the outlook for French industry?

Industry, energy, climate, and professional training: these are the four key issues that Syntec-engineering is highlighting for the presidential candidates. With just a few months to go before the election, the trade association is drawing the attention of future decision-makers to the many challenges facing French industry. Experts at AURIS Finance, specialists in M&A consulting, […]


The M&A market: a record year in review

Despite the covid health crisis, the M&A market is doing very well. For 2021, the value of M&A transactions worldwide has reached $5,800 billion*, surpassing the all-time record of $4,500 billion set in 2007. Bubble or lasting phenomenon? AURIS Finance, specialists in M&A consulting, looks back on an extraordinary 2021. Some observers have described the […]

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