
Financial News

This category includes economic and financial news that impacts the mergers and acquisitions market. You will find articles on new technologies, regulatory changes, market dynamics, and the latest trends. Are you considering a business sale or acquisition acquisition project? AURIS Finance experts are here to support you throughout the entire process of your transaction.
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Retailing: a new player with a unique model is setting up shop in France

Despite a strong trend towards concentration, the retail sector is still a magnet for new companies. A new retail brand with a unique positioning and model is due to open in France in September. Experts at AURIS Finance, a mergers and acquisitions consultancy, take a closer look. For the time being, the name is not […]


Is the Metaverse a necessary new step for a company?

More and more retail brands are establishing a presence in virtual worlds. The goal is to be present where consumers are, particularly the young. Following in the footsteps of luxury brands and high-tech companies, it’s now the turn of the retail giants to enter the Metaverse. Experts at AURIS Finance, a mergers and acquisitions consultancy, […]

Hausse des prix en caisse

Prices are on a sustained upward trend in the food sector

Producers and retailers are back at the negotiating table. While inflation is pushing up prices, the war in Ukraine is making discussions even more tense. Experts at AURIS Finance, a mergers and acquisitions consultancy, take a closer look. On 1 March 2022, the trade negotiations between retailers, producers, and the processing industry came to an […]

Cybersecurite et Guerre en Ukraine

Cybersecurity: M&A transactions at a record high

While 2021 has been described as a “crazy year” for M&A transactions around the world, 2022 could also be a particularly dynamic year for corporate sales and acquisitions. One sector already stands out: cybersecurity. These highly strategic technology companies are currently trading at unprecedented levels. AURIS Finance experts explain. US$77.5 billion. This is the total […]

Orage sur le blé en Ukraine

Ukraine and Russia: what are the consequences for the French food industry?

Russia’s offensive against Ukraine has had a profound impact on the geopolitical and trade balance in Europe. Commodity prices are already soaring, including gas, oil, wheat and maize. The price of nitrogen fertilisers is also on the rise. These increases are bound to have an impact on the French agri-food industry, and may well continue […]

OPA - Bourse de Paris

Takeover bids at ten-year high

How are takeover bids faring in France? According to AMF figures, the number of takeover bids is rising sharply. At the same time, the amounts involved are falling. Experts at AURIS Finance, a mergers and acquisitions consultancy, give you their analysis. A takeover bid is an operation in which a company attempts to take control […]

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