
Financial News

This category includes economic and financial news that impacts the mergers and acquisitions market. You will find articles on new technologies, regulatory changes, market dynamics, and the latest trends. Are you considering a business sale or acquisition acquisition project? AURIS Finance experts are here to support you throughout the entire process of your transaction.
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Bilan des M&A dans l'IT

Snapshot of the digital market in 2023: Trends, growth and prospects

Despite an unfriendly 2023, digital remains resilient 2023 was a year marked by macroeconomic concerns such as recession fears, rising interest rates, and geopolitical tensions. These events were not very favourable for the Small & Mid cap market. Nevertheless, the digital market proved resilient in its development and innovation. The French digital market is worth […]


The mass retail sector is consolidating

The mass retail sector is undergoing a paradigm shift. After 2023, a year marked by rising food prices and the collapse of the giant supermarket chain Casino, new developments are on the horizon. Here are some explanations from the experts at AURIS Finance, a consultancy specialising in mergers and acquisitions. It all started with the […]

French Tech

What are the forecasts for French tech in 2024?

Inflation, geopolitical conflicts, the climate crisis: macro-economic uncertainties are weighing on M&A transactions, which fell back sharply in 2023. What does 2024 hold in store for French start-ups? Experts from AURIS Finance, an M&A consultancy, give you their analysis. Challenges and opportunities. These could be the two words describing 2024 for French companies. While the […]

Taxe carbone transport

What are the implications for the transport sector following the publication of the HGV ecotax decree?

On 27 December 2023, the decree on the application of the ecotax to heavy goods vehicles was published in the Journal Officiel, the government gazette of the French Republic. This text authorises the modulation of charges for access to local road infrastructure according to a vehicle’s level of pollution. What are the consequences for the […]

Logiciels entrepôts logistiques

Software is boosting the efficiency of logistics warehouses

The logistics sector is currently undergoing profound changes. Digital technology and artificial intelligence are making their way into the supply chain, offering faster and more reliable solutions. The experts at AURIS Finance, a consultancy specialising in mergers and acquisitions, take a closer look at these innovative companies transforming the sector. Industry experts are well aware […]

Logistique éthique et durable

Are we on the road to sustainable and ethical logistics?

As with other business sectors, logistics is not immune to the climate emergency. This is a huge challenge for companies in a sector that is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases. How is the industry making the transition to a greener future? Here are some explanations from the experts at AURIS Finance, a […]

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